A set A is containing n elements. A subset P of A is chosen at random. The set is reconstructed by replacing the elements of P. A subset of A is again chosen at random. Find the probability that P and Q have no common element?
Let A={a1,a2,a3,...........,an}
For each ai,1≤i≤n, there arise 4 cases
(i) ai∈Pandai∈Q
(ii) ai∉Pandai∈Q
(iii) ai∈Pandai∉Q
(iv) ai∉Pandai∉Q
Therefore, total no. of ways of choosing P and Q is 4n. Here case (i) is not favourable as P∩Q=ϕ
For each element there are 3 favourable cases and hence total no. of favourable cases is 3n
Hence, Probability(P∩Q)=ϕ is 3n4n=(34)n