A stone is hung in air from a wire which is stretched over a sonometer. The bridges of the sonometer are Lcm apart when the wire is in unison with a tuning fork of frequency n. When the stone is completely immersed in water, the length between the bridges is lcm for re-establishing unison, the specific gravity of the material of the stone is
Frequence of vibrations in stretched string, n = 12(Length) √Tm
When the stone is completely immersed in water , length changes but frequence doesn't ( ∵ unison is reestablished )
Hence length α √T ⇒ Ll = √TairTwater = √Vρgv(ρ−1)g
(Specific gravity of stone = ρ and of water = 1)
⇒ Ll = √ρρ−1 ⇒ ρ = L2L2−l2