A Unix-style I-node has 10 direct pointers and one single, one double and one triple indirect pointers. Disk block size is 1 Kbyte, disk block address is 32 bits, and 48-bit integers are used.
What is the maximum possible file size?
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The number of disk block pointers that will be fit in one block =210byte32bit=210byte4byte
= 256
Maximum file size due to single indirection pointer =256×1=256 KB
Maximum file size due to direct pointer =10×1=10KB
Maximum file size due to double indirection pointer =256×256×1KB
Maximum file size due to triple indirection pointer 256×256××256×1 KB
So the maximum file size =256×256×256×1 KB =28×28×28×210 bytes 224×210 bytes =234 bytes