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(a) Water is an elixir of life, a very important natural resource. Your science teacher wants you to prepare a plan for a formative assessment activity. "How to save water, the vital natural resource. Write any two ways that you will suggest to bring awareness in your neighbourhood, on how to save water.
(b) Name and explain any one way by which the underground water table does not go down further.

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(a) Water is one of the most precious natural resources that has varied importance in our lives. It is an essential component of the human body, and is used almost everywhere in our dad to day activities such as cooking, washing, farmilll etc. It is an indispensable part of our lives, without which the life on earth is not possible. However, the amount of fresh water available for sustaining life is very less,so it is very important ot save water by following ways:

(i) Turning off the taps during brushing,washing clothes/utensils etc., and use of buckets ins of showers for bathing.

(ii) Reusing of water by storing water after washing fruits and vegetables for watering plants and cleaning cars.

(b) Underground water table can be recharged through rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting is a process by which rain water is collected and stored for the purpose of recharging the ground water or for future use like for irrigation and agriculture. In India, rainwater harvesting is an old tradition which is followed till now in many parts of India For example,bawris are traditional architectual rainwater harvesters that were built for collecting water in the state of Rajasthan.
There are two ways of rainwater harvesting :
(i) Surface run off harvesting : In urban areas, rain water that flows away from the surface can be collected and used for various purposes.
(ii) Rooftop rainwater harvesting : The rainwater on the roofs of the buildings is collected through canals that drains the water into ground reservoirs.This stored water is later utilised

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