Advantages of selecting drosophila as an experimental organisms in genetics
Drosophila melanogaster is a small, easily reared insect with a short lifecycle.
The key advantages of Drosophila are a balance between genetic power and biomedical relevance, and rapidity and low cost of generation and maintenance of mutant and transgenic stocks.
The genetic toolbox available for Drosophila allows precise intervention in specific, defined cells in an otherwise normal organism, opening unique opportunities for functional biology.
Approximately 70% of human genes have clear Drosophilahomologues, allowing the modelling of many human diseases in flies.
Drosophila also shares approximately 70% of its genes with Anopheles gambiae, the mosquito vector of malaria.
Our understanding of fly development is now mature: new phenotypes are required to provide a global functional genomic understanding.
An exciting challenge for the future is functional biology; understanding how the different tissues and control systems interact to make a working, successful organism.