α,β are the roots of the equation x2+bx+c=0 and α+2,β+2 are the roots of the equation x2+px+q=0. If the minimum value of the expression x2+bx+c is 2, find the minimum value of x2+px+q
The graph of x2 + bx + c gets shifted by 2 units when the roots become α+2 and β+2. The minimum value will remain the same.
For example:
The graph for x2−5x+6 and x2−11x+30. The roots are 2,3 and 5,6 respectively.
The roots of the second equation (x2−11x+30) are obtained by adding 3 to the roots of first equation. You can see in the graph that the minimum value is same for both the functions.