For a satellite in a circular orbit about any massive body, the following relation holds between kinetic, potential & total energy,
T=−E, U=2E (1)
Thus since total mechanical energy must decrease due to resistance of the cosmic dust, the kinetic energy will increase and the satellite will 'fall', We see then, by work energy theorem
So, mvdv=αv2vdt or αdtm=dvv2
Now from Newton's law at an arbitrary radius r from the moon's centre,v2r=γMr2 or v=√γMr
(M is the mass of the moon.) Then,
vi=√γMηR, vf=√γMR
where R= moon's radius. So
or, τ=mα(1vi−1vf)=mα√γMR(√η−1)=mα√gR(√η−1)
where g is moon's gravity. The averaging implied by equation (1) (for non-circular orbits) makes the result approximate.