An example of an analog communication method is -
An example of an analog communication method:-
Analog communicationis the process of conveying (sending, receiving, and processing) of information including image, voice, and video by using continuous signals or analog signals.
1) Laser beam:-
Laser communicationssystems are wireless connections through the atmosphere. They work similarly to fiber optic links, except the beam is transmitted through free space. The carrier used for the transmission signal is typically generated by a laser diode.
2) Microwave:-
A microwave link is a communications system that uses a beam of radio waves in the microwave frequency range to transmit video, audio, or data between two locations, which can be from just a few feet or meters to several miles or kilometers apart.
3) Voice grade telephone line:-
The bandwidth required to transmit human voice, which is about 4,000 Hertz (4 kHz). The term may refer to an analog telephone line, but also to a digital line that supports the digital equivalent of voice.