The correct option is
D secondary bast or phloem fibres
Anatomically jute fibres are phloem fibres or bast fibres. They are absent in the primary phloem formed during the primary growth. They are formed during secondary growth. At maturity, these fibres lose their protoplasm and become dead. Other commercially used phloem fibres are jute, flax, hemp, etc. They are elongated, unbranched, sclerenchymatous cells with very thick cell walls. These fibres are longer than a metre in comparison to the fibres in fruits or seeds and hence, they are used in the textile industry.

Xylem fibres of Saccharum munja are used for making munj fibres which are used for making ropes. Xylem fibres are not as flexible as the phloem fibres and cannot be knitted easily.
Cortical fibres are sclerenchyma fibres that are found below the epidermis of monocots and are organized in two or three layers of cells.
Pith fibres are seen around the shell of the coconut, in the husk. It can hold large amounts of water like a sponge and can be used as a substrate in soil-less plant cultivation. It is also made up of sclerenchymatous cells and has thick lignified walls.