Dear Student
The female reproductive organ consists of :
1. Ovary - Ovaries are two oval shaped gland located on both side of uterus.
They produce ovum and hormones.
2.Uterus - It is an hollow pear shaped organ.
It gives the room for the development of foetus.
3. Fallopian tubes - These are narrow tubes attached to the upper part of the uterus.
It gives place for the ovum to move towards the uterus. Usually fertilization also takes place here .
4. Bartholin' s gand - Located on either side of vagina. It produces mucus secreation.
5. Vagina- It joins the cervix to the outside of the body. It serves as a passage during birth of baby.
6. Labia majora - It is a large fleshy layer constituting the outer part of female reproductive system. It acts as a protective covering.
7.Labia minora- It is a very small layer constituting outer part of female reproductive system.