The following are the major causes of declining death rate in India.
a. Control on natural calamities- With rapid improvement in the transportation facilities, communication, water supply etc, there has been a check on the natural calamities and their disastrous effects such as famine and floods.
b. Improvement in medical facilities- There has been a rise in the medical and health facilities in India. As a result of which many diseases like T.B, cholera, malaria are next to eradication.
c. Better education facilities- The government is also emphasising on increasing the education facilities in India. This is because with high education and literacy, people tend to be more aware about their health thereby, resulting in a decrease in the death rate.
d. Improvement in living standards- Better educational facilities and increased per capita income have led to an improvement in the living standard of people, simultaneously declining the death rate.
e. Other factors- Other factors such as low infant mortality rate, social reforms and rapid urbanisation also play a major role in the decline in death rate.