The following are the essentials of a good or an ideal table:
i. Table number - The table number should be given at the top of the table for easy identification.
ii. Title - A brief, self-explanatory title should be given to the table in bold letters.
iii. Head note - It depicts the units of variables presented in the table, e.g., crore and kg.
iv. Caption - It refers to the heading given to various columns of the table.
v. Stub heads and entries - These are the headings given to the rows, written on the left-hand side of every row. Entries basically depict sub-groups.
vi. Body (Content) - This includes the actual content or the numerical part that forms the main part of the table.
vii. Footnote - It is given in case a special explanation is required for some items or calculations.
viii. Source - It is given in order to authenticate the data. In other words, it shows the source from where the data have been taken.