Antibody-mediated immunity is also known as _________.
Humoral immunity
Antibody-mediated immunity is also known as humoral immunity because humor refers to the body fluids, generally blood, where the antibodies circulate freely and bind to specific antigens. Antibody-mediated immunity thus, involves the production of antibodies against antigens which are freely floating in the bloodstream, and not inside cells. However, in case a pathogen causes an infection within a cell, or a cell by itself goes cancerous, the immune system recognises such infected cells and works to eliminate them. This is known as cell-mediated immunity, which is mainly conferred by T-cells of the immune system. Adaptive immunity is also known as acquired immunity, as we are not born with it, but acquire it through contact with specific pathogens during our lifetime. Innate immunity includes all the natural defence mechanisms an individual is born with.