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Application of 14 principles of management in shoppers stop

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Dear Student,
Following are the 14 principles of management:
1. First principles state that there should be a division of work in an organisation. Work should be divided into the small task which requires employees to perform every work of an organisation and this lead to specialisation.
2. The principle of authority and responsibility which requires that there should be a balance between authority and responsibility. If authority is given to any person in an organisation that responsibility should also be there.
3. The principle of discipline means that proper discipline should be there and must be followed by employees for better results of an organisation.
4. Unity of command is the next principle which states that there should be one and only one boss for every individual employee. If an individual gets an order from more than two superior than the unity of command will be violated.
5. Unity of direction principle states that all units of an organisation should move towards one direction that is to achieve the objective of an organisation.
6. Next principle states that the interest of an organisation should take priority over the interests of any one individual employee.
7. Remuneration of employees states that proper and fair remuneration should be paid to employees and should give at least reasonable standards of leaving.
8. Centralisation and decentralisation mean concentration of decision-making authority is called centralisation and its dispersal is called decentralisation. So there should be a proper balance between centralisation and decentralisation.
9. Scalar chain means that proper flow of information in an organised manner which runs from top to bottom and must be followed by all managers and subordinates.
10. Next Principle is an order which means that every place, people and everything have proper place and order in an organisation.
11. Equity principle states that there should be kindness and justice should be there.
12. Stability of employees should be there.
13. Initiative means that work should be such in which employees take initiative.
14. Espirit de corps which means to maintain morale among employees.


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