Chemical reactions or metabolism are regulated using certain proteins called enzymes.
These catalysts can be interrupted by another class of molecules due to permanent or temporary interaction. These molecules are called enzyme inhibitors.
They prevent enzymes from working in their usual manner.
Ribonuclease inhibitors prevent the action of ribonucleases which catalyze the breakdown of RNA molecules.
Chemical substances that change the psychology or physiology when consumed are called drugs.
Examples- Erythromycin, cimetidine, isoniazid, etc are a few drugs that inhibit the action of enzymes
However, drugs can also act as enzyme inducers and not always by inhibiting enzymes.
Examples- Riociguat, plecanatide, praliciguat, etc are a few drugs that do not inhibit the action of enzymes.
All drugs are not enzyme inhibitors. A few can catalyze enzyme reactions.