Evolution is the gradual changes in a population in response to its environment with respect to time which may or may not affect the animal's survivability.
Nature favours the changes that are more suited to the animal's habitat.
It is a continuous process that takes place throughout the lifetime of a population within hundreds and thousands of years
Human evolution
Although there are no drastic physiological changes, the human body sure has changed a lot from what it was 20,000 years ago.
The appearances and certain traits have evolved over the years such as-
Having less bone density due to a lack of physical activities.
Changes in the appearances of different people based on their ethnicity and race.
There also have been some subtle genetic changes within the last 10,000 years.
Humans have evolved to have resistance to various diseases and illnesses.
Such evolutionary changes will continue to occur in the future with respect to changes in our habitat and other factors.