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Are the following expressions polynomials?

(1) 21 − 8a + a2
(2) n3 − 6n2 + 13
(3) 8x2-x72
(4) -139
(5) n-1n
(6) 25a3-7a+19
(7) 51
(8) 9 − 5b2 + b4
(9) 12+10p-2

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(1) The powers 0, 1 and 2 of the variable a in 21 − 8a + a2 are whole numbers.
Hence, 21 − 8a + a2 is a polynomial.

(2) The powers 3, 2 and 0 of the variable n in n3 − 6n2 + 13 are whole numbers.
Hence, n3 − 6n2 + 13 is a polynomial.

(3) In the expression 8x2-x72, the index 72 is not a whole number.
Hence, this expression is not a polynomial.

(4) The power 0 of the variable x in -139 i.e.-139x0 is a whole number.
Hence -139 is a polynomial.
Note: Every constant is a polynomial and it can be written in terms of any variable with power zero.

(5) In the expression n-1n, i.e. n-n-1, the index −1 is not a whole number.
Hence, this expression is not a polynomial.

(6) The powers 3, 1 and 0 of the variable a in 25a3-7a+19 are whole numbers.
Hence, 25a3-7a+19 is a polynomial.

(7) The power 0 of the variable x in 51 (i.e. 51 x0) is a whole number.
Hence, 51 is a polynomial.
Note: Every constant is a polynomial and it can be written in terms of any variable with power zero.

(8) The powers 0, 2 and 4 of the variable b in 9 − 5b2 + b4 are whole numbers.
Hence, 9 − 5b2 + b4 is a polynomial.

(9) The powers 0 and 2 of the variable p in 12+10p-2 i.e. 12+10p2 are whole numbers.
Hence, 12+10p-2 is a polynomial.

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