Are there any water sports in India? Find out about the areas or places which are known for water sports.
(The list is only indicative. It is strongly recommended that students prepare the answer on their own.)
There are hundreds and thousands of sports and games being played all over the world. However, we can place them under the following categories in order to know about them in a more convenient and systematic manner.
Some of the categories are as follows:
1. Team Sports 2. Athletics 3. Gymnastics 4. Racquet Sports 5. Water Sports 6. Combat Sports 7.Target Sports 8. Motor Sports 9.Equestrian Events 10. Adventure, Fun and Indigenous Sports
Working in small groups of 4-5 students, discuss and place the sports and games given below in the category to which each of them belongs.
Paragliding Go-Karting hurdles pommel horse basketball windsurfing Formula One judo sculling fencing kayaking pole vaulting dressage squash kickboxing kho kho kung fu malkham snowboarding golf decathlon cricket soccer snooker kabbadi
Look for stories or movies where this theme of hero worship and fantasising about film or sports icons finds a place.