Arrange in logical sequence - Stoma,Mesophyll Cells, Xylem, Sub stomatal space, intercellular space...
Mesophyll cells-intercellular spaces--xylem-substomatal space-stoma.
Given below is a set of five terms. Arrange and rewrite each set of terms in the correct order to be in a logical sequence.(i) Water molecules, oxygen, grana, hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, protons.(ii) Right auricle, left ventricle, vena cava, pulmonary vein, lungs, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, aorta, left auricle(iii) Graafian follicle, oviducal funnel, fallopian tube, ovum uterus(iv) Metaphase, telophase, prophase, anaphase , interphase(v) Spongy cell, upper epidermis, stoma, palisade tissue, sub-stomatal space