(i) 7.3, 8.73, 73.03, 7.33, 8.073
Converting each decimal into like decimals:
7.300, 8.730, 73.030, 7.330, 8.073
Clearly, 73.030 > 8.730 > 8.073 > 7.330 > 7.300
Hence, the given decimals can be arranged in the descending order as follows:
73.03, 8.73, 8.073, 7.33 and 7.3
(ii) 3.3, 3.03, 30.3, 30.03, 3.003
Converting each decimal into like decimals:
3.300, 3.030, 30.300, 30.030, 3.003
Clearly, 30.300 > 30.030 > 3.300 > 3.030 > 3.003
Hence, the given decimals can be arranged in the descending order as follows:
30.3, 30.03, 3.3, 3.03 and 3.003
(iii) 2.7, 7.2, 2.27, 2.72, 2.02, 2.007
Converting each decimal into like decimals:
2.700, 7.200, 2.270, 2.720, 2.020, 2.007
Clearly, 7.200 > 2.720 > 2.700 > 2.270 > 2.020 > 2.007
Hence, the given decimals can be arranged in the descending order as follows:
7.2, 2.72, 2.7, 2.27, 2.02 and 2.007
(iv) 8.88, 8.088, 88.8, 88.08, 8.008
Converting each decimal into like decimals:
8.880, 8.088, 88.800, 88.080, 8.008
Clearly, 88.800 > 88.080 > 8.880 > 8.088 > 8.008
Hence, the given decimals can be arranged in the descending order as follows:
88.8, 88.08, 8.88, 8.088 and 8.008