990357 is 6 digit number.
9873426 and 9874012 are both 7-digit numbers.
Both the numbers have the same digits, namely 9, 8 and 7, at the ten lakhs, lakhs and ten thousands places, respectively.
However, the digits at the thousands place in 9873426 and 9874012 are 3 and 4, respectively.
Clearly, 4 < 7
∴ 9873426 < 9874012
24615019 and 24620010 are both 8-digit numbers.
Both the numbers have the same digits, namely 2, 4 and 6, at the crores, ten lakhs and lakhs places, respectively.
However, the digits at the ten thousands place in 24615019 and 24620010 are 2 and 1, respectively.
Clearly, 1 < 2
∴ 24615019 < 24620010
The given numbers in ascending order are:
990357 < 9873426 < 9874012 < 24615019 < 24620010