Ashu And Harish are partners sharing profit and losses as 3: 2 They decided to dissolve the firm on december 31. 2012. Their balance sheet on the above date was
Balance Sheet of Ashu and Harish as on December 31. 2012
LiabilitiesAmt.AssetsAmt.CapitalsBuilding80,000Ashu1,08,000Machinery70,000Harish54,000––––––––1,62,000Furniture14,000Creditors88,000Stock20,000Bank Overdraft50,000Investment60,000Debtors48,000Cash in Hand8,000 –––––––––––– ––––––––––––3,00,0003,00,000 –––––––––––– ––––––––––––
Ashu is to take over the building at Rs. 95,000 and Machinery and Furniture is taken over by Harish at value of Rs. 80,000. Ashu agreed to pay creditor and Harish agreed to meet bank overdraft. Stock and Investments are taken by both partner in profit sharing ratio. Debtors realised for Rs. 46,000. Expenses of realisation amounted to Rs. 3,000.
Prepare necessary ledger account.
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
ParticularsAmt.ParticularsAmt.Building80,000Creditors88,000Machinery 70,000Bank Overdraft50,000Furniture14,000Ashu's Capital A/c (Assets Taken)1,43,000Stock20,000Harish's Capital A/c (Assets Taken)1,12,000Investments60,000Cash (Debtors)46,000Debtors48,000Ashu's Capital A/c (Creditors)88,000Harish's Capital A/c (Bank Overdraft)50,000Cash (Expenses)3,000Profit Transferred to Ashu's Capital A/c3,600Harish's Capital A/c2,400––––––6,000 –––––––––––– ––––––––––––4,39,0004,39,000 –––––––––––– ––––––––––––
Dr. Partners' Capital Account Cr.
ParticularsAshuHarishParticularsAshuHarishRealisation (Assets Taken)1,43,0001,12,000Balance b/d1,08,00054,000Cash (Balancing Figure)56,600Realisation (Liabilities)88,00050,000Realisation (Profit)3,6002,400Cash (Balancing Figure)5,600 –––––– ––––– ––––––– –––––1,99,6001,12,0001,99,6001,12,000 –––––– ––––– ––––––– –––––
Dr. Cash Account Cr.
ParticularsAmt.ParticularsAmt.Balance b/d8,000Realisation (Expenses)3,000Realisation (Debtors)46,000Ashu's Capital A/c56,000Harish's Capital A/c5,600 ––––– –––––59,60059,600 ––––– –––––
Working Note
Assets taken byAshuHarishBuilding95,000−Machinery and Furniture−80,000Stock (in 3 : 2) Ratio12,0008,000Investment (in 3 : 2) Ratio36,00024,000 ––––––– ––––––––1,43,0001,12,000 ––––––– ––––––––