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Assertion: Agricultural output increased several times after the introduction of DDT.

Reason: DDT was the first insecticide used on a wide scale.

Read the assertion and reason statements carefully and answer the question on the basis of the following options.


The assertion is true and the reason is also true; Reason is a correct explanation for Assertion.

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The assertion is true and the reason is also true; Reason is NOT a correct explanation for Assertion.

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The assertion is true but the reason is false.

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The assertion is false but the reason is true.

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The correct option is A

The assertion is true and the reason is also true; Reason is a correct explanation for Assertion.

The correct option is A.

Assertion statement:

  1. DDT (dichloro-diphenyl trichloroethane) was long-lasting, meaning it didn't break down quickly in the environment and didn't need to be reapplied as frequently.
  2. DDT was so good at eliminating pests and so increasing crop productivity, and it was so cheap to produce that it swiftly spread over the world.
  3. All through the 1950s and 1960s, farmers employed increasing amounts of DDT to improve agricultural yields.

So, the assertion is correct.

Reason statement:

  1. The first notable synthetic pesticide, DDT, was invented in 1939 by Swiss chemist Paul Muller.
  2. Although it was harmful to a wide spectrum of insect pests, it proved to be safe for mammals and also increased agricultural output.

So, the reason stated for the assertion is also a correct and correct explanation of the assertion.

Final Answer: (A) The assertion is true, and the reason is also true; Reason is a correct explanation for Assertion.

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