Column 1Column 2Column 3(equation for(Equation of conic)locus in Column 2)Locus of point of(I)(x−1)2+(y2)2=(12x−5y+313)2(i)intersection of(P)x2+y2=16perpendicular tangentsLocus of foot of(II)7x2−16y2=112(ii)perpendicular from focus(Q)x2+y2=9upon any tangent(III)(iii)Equation of chord bisected(R)4x+5y−4=0x225+y216=1at(12,25)(IV)x2+y2=8(iv)Tangent to the curveat(S)24−10y+1=0(8,10)
Which of the following is the only correct combination?
For I (i) director circle ⇒12x−5y+3=0
(ii) tangent at vertex ⇒24x−10y+1=0(S)
For II (i) director circle ⇒x2+y2=9(Q)
(ii) auxiliary circle ⇒x2+y2=16(P)
For III (iii) T=S1
4x + 5y = 4 (R)
For IV (i) director circle ⇒x2+y2=16(P)