Question 4
Boojho has three thermometers as shown in Figure. He wants to measure the temperature of his body and that of boiling water. Which thermometer(s) should he choose?
(a) Thermometer (i) or (iii) for measuring body temperature and Thermometer (ii) for measuring the temperature of boiling water.
(b) Thermometer (i) for measuring temperature of both.
(c) Thermometer (ii) for measuring temperature of both.
(d) Thermometer (iii) for measuring temperature of both.
Thermometers (i) and (iii) are clinical thermometers used to measure body temperature and (ii) is laboratory thermometer used to measure the temperature of boiling water or any object other than the human body.This is because, it is designed to measure immediate temperature changes and the value changes once taken of from a body. So, the answer is (a).