Briefly explain the difference between Manual & Computerised Accounting.
Difference between Manual Accounting and Computerised Accounting:
Point Of DifferenceManual AccountingComputerised Accounting1.RecordingRecording of financial transactions isData content of these transactionsthrough books of original stored in well designed data base.2.ClassificationTransactions recorded in the booksNo such data duplications is made.Inof original entry are further classifiedorder to produce ledger accounts theby posting them into ledger accounts.stored transaction data is processedThis results in transaction datato appear as classified so that same isduplicity.presented in the form of report3.SummarizingTransactions are summarized toThe generation of ledger accounts isproduce trial balance by ascertainingnot necessary condition for trailthe balnaces of various accounts.balance.4.AdjustingAdjusting entries are made to adhereThere is nothing like making adjustingEntriesto the principle of matching.entries for errors and rectifications.5.FinancialThe preparation of financialThe preparation of financialStatementstatements assumes the availabilitystatements is independent ofof trail balance.producing the trial balance