1. Resolving 3675 into prime factors:
Thus, to get a perfect square, the given number should be multiplied by 3.
New number
Hence, the new number is the square of 105.
2. Resolving 2156 into prime factors:
Thus to get a perfect square, the given number should be multiplied by 11.
New number
Hence, the new number is the square of 154.
3. Resolving 3332 into prime factors:
Thus, to get a perfect square, the given number should be multiplied by 17.
New number
Hence, the new number is the square of 238.
4. Resolving 2925 into prime factors:
Thus, to get a perfect square, the given number should be multiplied by 13.
New number
Hence, the number whose square is the new number is 195.
5. Resolving 9075 into prime factors:
Thus, to get a perfect square, the given number should be multiplied by 3.
New number
Hence, the new number is the square of 165.
6. Resolving 7623 into prime factors:
Thus, to get a perfect square, the given number should be multiplied by 7.
New number
Hence, the number whose square is the new number is 231.
7. Resolving 3380 into prime factors:
Thus, to get a perfect square, the given number should be multiplied by 5.
New number
Hence, the new number is the square of 130.
8. Resolving 2475 into prime factors:
Thus, to get a perfect square, the given number should be multiplied by 11.
New number
Hence, the new number is the square of 165.