The saturation current from a thoriated - tungsten cathode at 2000 K is 100 mA. What will be the saturation current for a pure-tungsten cathode of th esame surface area operating at the same temperature ? The constant A in the Rihardson- Dushman equation is 60×104Am−2K−2 for pure tungsten and 3.0×104Am−2K−2 for thoriated tungsten. The work function of pure tungsten is 4.5 eV and that of thoriated tungsten is 2.6 eV.
The constant A in the Richardson-Dushman equation for tungsten is 60×104Am−2K−2 The work function of tungsten is 4.5 eV. A tungsten cathode having a surface area 2.0×10−5m2 is heated by the heater and the temperature becomes constant. Assuming that the cathode radiates like a blackbody, calculate the saturation current due to thermions. Take stefan constant=6×10−8Wm−2K−4. Assume that the termions take only a small fraction of th heat suplied.