Shares of sectors in GDP for 1950
Total GDP of all the sectors is
80000+19000+39000=138000 Cr
Share of primary sector=80000/138000*100=57.97%
Share of secondary sector=19000/138000*100=13.76%
Share of tertiary sector=39000/138000*100=28.26%
Shares of sectors in GDP for 2000
Total GDP of all the sectors is
3, 14,000+2, 80,000+5, 55,000=1149000 cr
Share of primary sector=3, 14,000/1149000*100=27.33%
Share of secondary sector=2, 80,000/1149000*100=24.36%
Share of tertiary sector=5, 55,000/1149000*100=48.30%