Cause: There has been incessant rain in the city during the last 48 hours.
Which of the following can be a possible effect for the cause mentioned above?
Both I and II
Both II and III
Both I and III
I, II and III
None of these
All the three can be the possible effects.
Cause: There has been incessant rain during the last 48 hours
I. Transport system of the city has completely failed from last 48 hours.
II. There is flood like situation in most down town areas of the city.
III. So many slum dwellers have been shifted to municipal schools.
Effect: During the last six months the sale of four wheelers has come down in comparison to the sale of four wheelers last year for the same period.
Which of the following can be the possible cause for the effect mentioned above?
Effect: It has been reported in recent years that many seats remain vacant in the engineering colleges of the country at the end of admission session.
Which of the following can be possible cause for the effect mentioned above?
Cause: The condition of the roads in the city has deteriorated considerably during the first two months of monsoon and most of the roads have developed big pot holes. Which of the following can be a possible effect to the above cause?
Cause: It has been reported by some important newspapers that current year monsoon can be lower than desired level as in so many parts of the country it is not raining as it is required.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of above-mentioned situation?