i) 4.005
To convert 4.005 into fraction
Here, the number has 3 digits in the decimal part
Divide the number by 1000 and remove the decimal
We get,
= 4005 / 1000
= 801 / 200
= 41200
Therefore, 41200 is the fraction of 4.005.
(ii) 0.876
To convert 0.876 into fraction
Here, the number has 3 digits in the decimal part
Divide the number by 1000 and remove the decimal
We get,
= 876 / 1000
= 219 / 250
Therefore, 219 / 250 is the fraction of 0.876
(iii) 50.06
To convert 50.06 into fraction
Here, the number has 2 digits in the decimal part
Divide the number by 100 and remove the decimal
We get,
= 5006 / 100
= 2503 / 50
= 50350
Therefore, 50350 is the fraction of 50.06.