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Choose the appropriate option and rewrite the following statements.
A. The intermolecular force is _______ in the paricles of solid.
i. Minimum ii. Moderate iii.maximum iv.indefinite.

B. Solids retain their voume even when external pressure is applied. This property is called__________
i. plasticity ii. Incompressibility iii. fluidity iv. elasticity

C. Matter is classified into the types mixture, compound and element by applying the criterion______________
i. states of matter ii Phases of matters iii chemical compositions of matter iv all of these

D. Matter that contain two or more constituent substances is called__________
i. mixture ii. compound iii. element iv. metalloid

E. Milk is an example of type of matter called __________
i. solution ii. homogeneous mixture iii heterogeneous mixture iv. suspension

F. Water, mercury and bromine are similar o each other, because three are
i. liquids ii. compounds iii. nonmetals iv. elements.

G. valency of carbon is 4 and that of oxygen is 2. From this, we understand that there are _______ chemical bond/bonds between the carbon atom and one oxygen atom in the compound-carbon dioxide.
i. 1 ii. 2 iii. 3 iv. 4

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A. The intermolecular force is maximum in the paricles of solid.
i. Minimum ii. Moderate iii.maximum iv.indefinite.

B. Solids retain their voume even when external pressure is applied. This property is called incompressibility.
i. plasticity ii. Incompressibility iii. fluidity iv. elasticity

C. Matter is classified into the types mixture, compound and element by applying the criterion states of matter.
i. states of matter ii Phases of matters iii chemical compositions of matter iv all of these

D. Matter that contain two or more constituent substances is called compound.
i. mixture ii. compound iii. element iv. metalloid

E. Milk is an example of type of matter called homogeneous mixture.
i. solution ii. homogeneous mixture iii heterogeneous mixture iv. suspension

F. Water, mercury and bromine are similar to each other, because three are liquids.
i. liquids ii. compounds iii. nonmetals iv. elements.

G. valency of carbon is 4 and that of oxygen is 2. From this, we understand that there are 2 chemical bond/bonds between the carbon atom and one oxygen atom in the compound carbon dioxide.
i. 1 ii. 2 iii. 3 iv. 4

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