The correct option is
A A- 1, B- 3, C- 4, D- 2Free living nitrogen‐fixing bacteria belonging to the genus Azotobacter and Azospirillum have been used as nitrogenous fertilizers in some crops, such as tomatoes, potatoes and sugar beets, resulting in a substantial increase in yield after a short period of time. Strains ofAzotobacter (vinelandii and chroococcum) and Azospirillwn brasilense are extremely efficient as N2‐fixing bacteria. Glomus is a genus of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, and all species form symbiotic relationships (mycorrhiza) with plant roots.
Free-living, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteri are Anabaena and Nostoc.
The nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) which belongs to the family Baculoviruses is a virus affecting insects, predominantly moths and butterflies. It has been used as a pesticide for crops infested by insects susceptible to contraction. Though commercialization of the viral pesticide is slow as the virus is very species specific, making it effective under certain circumstances.