Choose the option that correctly matches the following:
DescriptionOrgan1.Tube-like structureA.Ureter2.Opening for urineB.Urinary bladder3.Muscular bag that stores urineC.Kidney4.Bean shaped organD.Urethra
1-a, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c
DescriptionOrganTube-like structureUreterOpening for urineUrethraMuscular bag that stores urineUrinary bladderBean shaped organKidney
Bean-shaped kidneys are the main excretory organs which filter out the waste products from the blood. The pair of tubes running down from kidneys is known as ureters. They carry urine to a storage bag. The storage bag is known as the urinary bladder. It temporarily stores urine before it is given out. Another single tube that connects urinary bladder to the urinary opening is called as the urethra.