Circuit shown in figure is a simple ohm – meter, in which G is a galvanometer (of very small resistance compared to R and Ro ), Ro is a known resistance and R is the resistance which is to be measured. If A and B are short circuited by a resistance less wire, galvanometer gives full scale deflection. Then to read the resistance R directly from galvanometer, its scale would look like
. Suppose e.m.f of the battery connected in the circuit is equal to E. Then the current at R = O will be equal to I0=ER0 , when R increases, current through the circuit decreases.
If R=R0, then net resistance of the circuit will become equal to 2R0. Hence current through the circuit will become E2R0=I02.
To reduce the current to I04, the net resistance of the circuit is to be increased to 4 times of its original value R0. Hence R=3R0.
Similarly, to reduce the current to I08, the resistance R must be equal to 7R0 and to reduce the current to zero, R must be very large. Hence A is correct.