Classify bases on the basis of their concentration, acidity and ionisation. Explain with examples in case.
Based on ionization, bases are classified into two types: strong bases and weak bases.
Strong Bases: - These are bases which ionize completely in aqueous solution. E.g. NaOH, KOH.
Weak Bases: - These are bases which ionize partially in aqueous solution. Eg. NH4OH,Ca(OH)2.
On the basis of their acidity, bases are classified into three types: monoacidic, diacidic and triacidic bases.
Monoacidic Base: - It is a base which ionizes in water to give one hydroxide ion per molecule. E.g. NaOH, KOH.
Diacidic Base: - It is a base which ionizes in water to give two hydroxide ions per molecule. E.g. Ca(OH)2,Mg(OH)2.
Triacidic Base: - It is a base which ionizes in water to give three hydroxide ions per molecule. E.g. Al(OH)3,Fe(OH)3.
Depending on the percentage or amount of base dissolved in water, bases are classified into concentrated and dilute alkalis.
Concentrated Alkali: - It contains a relatively high percentage of alkali in its aqueous solution.
Dilute Alkali: - It contains a relatively low percentage of alkali in its aqueous solution.