Classify vitamins with their deficiency diseases.
Vitamins: These are nutrients that are an essential component of our body for the maintenance of proper physiological, biochemical and metabolic functioning.
Classification of vitamins with their deficiency diseases are:
3. Vitamin C: This vitamin is also known as Ascorbic acid. It helps in the proper functioning of immunity of the body and its deficiency causes Scurvy. It is characterized by the bleeding of gums and intramuscular hemorrhage.
4. Vitamin D: This vitamin also known as calciferol helps in bone formation and calcification. Its deficiency causes Rickets in children and Osteomalacia in adults.
5. Vitamin E: This vitamin also known as Tocopherol helps in boosting the immune system and prevents blood clots, and its deficiency causes sterility.
6. Vitamin K: Also known as Phylloquinone, it is a clotting factor. Its deficiency causes Pellagra.