Compare the demographic indicators of India with China and Pakistan.
Population - China (1303.7M) is the most populous country in the world and India (1103.6M) is the second most populous country. Population of Pakistan is very less (162.4M people). Growth Rate of Population: China's growth rate of population is lowest (1%) as compared to India (1.7%) and Pakistan (2.5%).
Density of Population: Density of Population of China is the lowest (138 persons per sq km) as compared to India (358 persons per sq km) and Pakistan (193 persons per sq km). Sex Ratio: Sex ratio is lowest in Pakistan with 922 females per 1000 males. In India and China, the corresponding figures are 933 and 937.
Organisation: Organisation is high in both Pakistan (33.4%) and China (36.1%). In India, only 28% of its people live in Urban Area.