Consider a cubic box with a side length of feet.
How many of these boxes could fit inside a larger cubic box with the base having a perimeter of feet?
Step-1: Find the volume of the small box having a side length of feet:
Knowing, the formula for the volume of the cube,
The volume of cube ( Where is the length of the side of the cube.) …(I)
The volume of a small cube
The volume of a small cube having a side length of feet is (Where is short-form for feet)
Step-2: Finding the side of a large cubic box having a base with a perimeter of feet:
Knowing cubes have all sides in square shape and given that perimeter of the base is feet.
One can find the side of the cube using the perimeter of the square formula.
The perimeter of the square (Where s is the side of the square)
The side of the cube with the base having perimeter feet is .
Step-3: Find the volume of a large cubic box having a base with a perimeter of feet:
The volume of the large cube …(By using (I) )
The volume of the large cube is .
Step-4: Find the number of boxes with a side length of feet could that fit inside a larger cubic box with the base having a perimeter of feet.
Consider the volume of a large box is and the volume of a small box is
The required number of boxes
…(From (I) and (III) )
Hence, the number of boxes with a side length of feet could fit inside a larger cubic box with the base having a perimeter of feet is .