Consider the following statements:
1. Boundries of national parks are marked by legislation.
2. Cultivation and grazing activities are not allowed inside a national park.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
National Park is an area having adequate ecological, faunal, floral, geomorphological, natural or zoological significance. Its boundaries are marked by legislation. Whenever it appears to the State Government that an area by reason of its ecological, faunal, floral, geomorphological, or zoological association or importance, needs to be constituted as a National Park for the purpose of protectin& propagating or developing wildlife therein or its environment, it may, by notificLtion, declare its intention to constitute such area as a National Park.
Alteration of the boundaries of a National Park can be made only through a resolution passed by the Legislature of the State.
Unlike a Sanctuary, where certain rights can be allowed, in a National Park, no rights are allowed. No grazing of any livestock shall also be permitted inside a National Park while in a Sanctuary, the Chief Wildlife Warden may regulate, control or prohibit it.