Consider the pushdown automation (PDA) below which runs over the input alphabet(a,b,c). It has the stack alphabet
{z0,x} where z0 is the bottom-of stack marker. The set of states of the PDA is {s,t,u,f} where s is the start state and f is the final state. The PDA accepts by final state.The transitions of the PDA given below are depicted in a standard manner. For example, the transition(s,b,X)→(t,XZ0) means that if the PDA is in state s and the symbol on the top of the stack is X. then it can read b from the input and move to state t after popping the top of stack and pushing the symbols Z0 and X (in that order) on the stack.
(s,a,X) →(s,XXX)
(s,b,X) →(t,ϵ)
(t,b,X) →(t,ϵ)
(t,c,X) →(u,ϵ)
(u,c,X) →(u,ϵ)
(u,c,Z0) →(f,ϵ)
The language accepted by the PDA is