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Consider two observers moving with respect to each other at a constant speed v along a straight line. They observe a block of mass m moving a distance l on a rough surface. Then which of the following quantities will be same as observed by the two observers:

kinetic energy of the block at time t
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work done by friction
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total work done on the block
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acceleration of the block
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The correct option is D acceleration of the block
Due to relative motion between observers, they will find the block moving the different speeds.
Kinetic energy observed by each observer will be different at any time t.

The direction of motion of block is not given w.r.t to observers, hence they may observe different work done by friction on the block.

Velocity of block as observed by both observers are different. So for them ΔK.E will be different. Hence, from work-energy theorem the net workdone on block won't be same for both observers.

Both observers are moving with constant speed, hence the rate of change of velocity of block with respect to time will be zero, as observed by any of the observer.
ablock, observer=0=constant
Option (d) is correct.

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