Convert 3/5 into a percent and decimal ?
To convert fraction to a per cent, you just need to multiply the fraction by 100 and reduce it to per cent. Here are a few examples that will give you a clear understanding of how to convert fraction to a per cent.
To convert a fraction into per cent, follow the steps given below:
Convert the fraction into a per cent
Multiply the obtained decimal number by 100, to get a per cent value
To convert 3/5 to per cent
Step 1: Convert the fraction 3/5 into decimal
3/5 = 0.6
Step 2: Multiply the fraction by 100
0.6 × 100 = 60%
Therefore, the solution is 60%
To convert 3/5 into decimal
Divide the numerator by denominator to convert fraction to decimal
3/5 = 0.6
3/5 in decimal = 0.6
3/5 in per cent = 60%