Convert the following decimals to fractions.
1. 0.8
2. 0.75
3. 0.625
The number of digits after the decimal point is 1.
The number after the decimal point is 8.
So, the fractional form would be 8/10.
On simplifying, the fraction becomes 4/5 .
The number of digits after the decimal point is 2.
The number after the decimal point is 75 and that becomes the numerator.
Writing in fractional form, 75/100.
On simplifying, the fraction becomes 3/4 .
The number of digits after the decimal point is 3. So the denominator becomes 1000.
The number after the decimal point is 625 and that becomes the numerator.
Writing in fractional form, 625/1000.
Simplifying by dividing the numerator and denominator by 125, we get 5/8.