The like decimal fractions are the numbers that have same number of decimal places. The numbers of decimal places are made equal by adding zeros in the end of number.
(i) 1.36, 239.8 and 47.008
The maximum number of decimal places is in 47.008
It has 3 decimal places
1.36 = 1.360
239.8 = 239. 800
47.008 = 47.008
Hence, the like decimal fractions are 1.360, 239.800 and 47.008
(ii) 507.0752, 8.52073 and 0.808
The maximum number of decimal places is in 8.52073
It has 5 decimal places
507.0752 = 507.07520
8.52073 = 8.52073
0.808 = 0.80800
Hence, the like decimal fractions are 507.07520, 8.52073 and 0.80800