Decomposers are
An autotrophs is an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances. An organism deriving its nutritional requirements from complex organic substances produced by the autrotrophs is called an heterotroph. An organotroph is an organism that obtains hydrogen or electrons from organic substrates. This term is used to classify and describe organisms based on how they obtain electrons for their respiration processes. Some organotrophs such as animals and many bacteria, are also therefore heterotrophs. Photoheterotrophs are the heterotrophic organisms that use light for energy, but unlike autotrophs cannot use carbon dioxide as their sole carbon source, and depend on other organisms for carbon. Examples of photoheterotrophic organisms include green non-sulfur bacteria, purple non-sulfur bacteria etc. And a decomposer is an heterotroph which can break down complex organic matter into simple organic and inorganic materials to derive hydrogen or electrons for its metabolic activity and as its carbon source, therefore it is both a heterotroph and an organotroph.