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Describe the Classification of plants.

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Flowering plants or angiosperms
1. Largest grouping within the plant kingdom
2. Flowering plants are categorized as high-class plants.
3. At the adult stage, the plant produces flowers which can develop into fruits and seeds after being pollinated and fertilized.
1. They begin their lives as seeds.
2. Seeds are like baby plants.
3. They have a hard outer shell that protects the seed embryo inside.
1. The seed ends up on the ground.
2. It needs air, water, and soil to grow.
3. When a seed begins to grow, this is called germination.
4. The first growth will usually be some small roots. Then stems will grow.
Sprout or seedling
1. When the first sign of life appears above the soil, this is called a sprout or seedling.
Mature plant
1. The seedling will continue to grow into a full mature plant with leaves, roots, and stems.
1. The mature plant will grow flowers.
2. Through pollination, the flowers will produce seeds.
3. When the seeds end up on the ground, the cycle will begin again.
Flower -
1. Flowers are the reproductive organs of the flowering plant.
The main structures of a flower include:
1. The sepal is a support structure for the petal.
2. It is typically green and helps to protect and hold up the petal.
3. All the sepals together are called the calyx.
Petal -
1. The petals are the bright colorful leaves of the flower.
2. The petals are often bright and colorful in order to attract insects that help with pollination.
3. All of the petals together are called the corolla.
Stamen -
1. The stamen is the part of the flower that produces pollen.
2. There are two main parts of the stamen: the filament and anther.
Filament -
The filament is the stalk that holds the anther.
Anther -
The anther is made up of lobes that attach to the filament. These lobes hold sacs which contain pollen.
Pistil -
The pistil is the female part of the flower. It contains the carpel and the stigma.
Stigma -
The stigma is the area where pollen is received. The stigma may be located at the end of a stalk called the style.
Carpel -
The carpel is the ovary of the flower and contains ovules which are potential seeds.
Fruits are a way which many plants spread their seeds.
Fruits are formed after the flower is fertilized with pollen.
The ovules in the pistil will become seeds and the flower will transform into a fruit.
The seed is the embryo of a plant.
Sort of like a baby plant.
Seeds come in all sizes shapes and colors depending on the type of plant.
Inside the seed is a plant embryo, food for the embryo, and a seed coat to protect it.
Non- flowering plants or gymnospores
Non- flowering plants do not carry flowers they produce spores, fungi or cones are used for propagation (reproduction).
Algae, moss, fern and conifer are no flowering plants.

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