Describe the methods of saving ozone layer.
Ozone depletion is the sharp reduction of ozone in the stratosphere due to chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s) used as refrigerants and in fire extinguishers. There is a layer of ozone in the stratosphere. It acts as a natural sun-block and shields us from the UV radiations of the sun which are dangerous to living organisms. Different chemicals which cause natural destruction of ozone shield are CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons), CH4 (Methane), N2O (Dinitrogen oxide).
Steps to prevent ozone layer
*Avoid the purchase and use of aerosol sprays containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
*Avoid buying insulating material made from CFC. Instead, you can use the dark chipboard cork that do not pollute the environment for the same purpose.
*Reduce the use of your car and of other gadgets like compressors, lawn mowers, etc.
*Use alternative means of transport: buses, bicycles, or simply walk.
*Reduce the use of heating and air-conditioning.
*Usage of public transport is encouraged with limited private driving to control vehicular emissions.
*Usage of eco-friendly household cleaning products as chemical cleaning agents contain lot of toxic chemicals which might destroy ozone.
*Rocket launches should not contribute for ozone depletion. Rocket engines release ozone destroying compounds in the upper stratosphere near the ozone.