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Describe the various methods of birth control techniques.

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Contraception: It is the prevention of pregnancy resulting from coitus.
(A) Barrier Methods: Prevents entry of sperms into vagina or uterus.
(a) Condom: The male wears a condom which prevents deposition of sperms in the vagina. Condoms are made up of rubber from latex. Ejaculated semen is retained within the condom preventing their entry into the uterus. Condoms can be combined with spermicides inserted into the vagina. The condom also protects against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) like syphilis, AIDS.
(b) The Diaphragm (cervical cap): Women can wear a vaginal diaphragm fitting into the vagina or a cervical cap fitting over the cervix. They prevent entry of sperms into the uterus. They are made of synthetic rubber or plastic and are used in combination with chemical spermicides.
(B) Hormonal Methods:
Hormones are prescribed as pills, implants or injections. Some hormonal contraceptives contain only progesterone; some contain a combination of both Progesterone and oestrogen and prevents ovulation. Hormonal methods are over 99 percent effective. The effects of hormonal method stop the mechanism of ovulation. They can also stop the mechanism of conduction of ovum along the fallopian tubes. These hormones interfere in the thickening of the endometrium and they may also cause the formation of mucus in the cervix and vagina to prevent the penetration of sperms.
(C) Mechanical Methods:
The intrauterine device (IUD) and intrauterine system (IUS) are contraceptive devices inserted into the uterus. Copper-T is a synthetic device made up of copper and plastic (non-irritant) is placed inside the uterus. This can remain for a period of 3 years. This also helps to give an adequate gap between pregnancies.
(2) Permanent Methods: Surgical Methods:
Surgical contraception or sterilisation is an operation that makes a person infertile. This surgery can be carried out on men (vasectomy) and women (tubectomy).
Vasectomy is the method of permanent birth control in male in which the removal of a part of the vas deferens and ligations are performed. Male sterilization is not immediately effective. The seminal vesicles still contain sperm after the operation and a condom must be used until semen analysis shows that no sperm are left. Tubectomy is the method of permanent birth control in the female; here a portion of the fallopian tube is cut off and the cut ends are ligated to prevent fertilization. Female sterilization is effective immediately but the risk of ectopic pregnancy is slightly increased.

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