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Differentiate between

a. Bract and Bracteole
b. Pulvinus and petiole
c. Pedicel and peduncle
d. Spike and spadix
e. Stamen and staminode
f. Pollen and pollinium

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1) Definition

Bract is a reduced leaf-like structure situated at the base of the pedicel.

* Bracteole is a leaf-like structure present on the pedicel between bract and flower.

Criteria Bract Bracteole
Definition Bract is a reduced leaf-like structure situated at the base of the pedicel. Bracteole are usually paired leaf-like structures present between the bract and the flower.


Pulvinus is the swollen leaf base.

* Petiole is the stalk of leaves which lies between leaf base and lamina.


Pulvini are responsible for certain nastic movements in plants. The petiole holds the leaf to light and helps flutter in wind and exposes them to light.


The flowers of the leguminosae family have pulvinus while Hibiscus, rose have petioles.

Criteria Pulvinus Petiole
Structure Pulvinus is the swollen leaf base Petiole is the stalk of leaves which lies between leaf base and lamina
Function Nastic movements Holding the leaf to light and helping in fluttering movements
Example Leguminosae family Hibiscus, rose

3) Structure

The stalk of a single flower is called a pedicle.
The peduncle is the stalk/ axis of inflorescence bearing flowers

Criteria Pedicel Peduncle
Structure The stalk of a single flower The stalk/ axis of inflorescence bearing flowers

4) Structure

* Spike is a type of unbranched inflorescence bearing with
sessile flowers without pedicels.

* Spadix is a special type of inflorescence with a fleshy spike bearing usually unisexual, apetalous flowers with the upper part of the peduncle devoid of flowers and surrounded by large bracts (spathes).

Criteria Spike Spadix
Structure Unbranched inflorescence bearing with sessile flowers without pedicels Inflorescence with a fleshy spike bearing usually unisexual, apetalous flowers with the upper part of the peduncle devoid of flowers and surrounded by large bracts (spathes)

5) Fertility

Stamen is a fertile male sex organ present in flowers
responsible for producing pollen grains.

* Staminode is rudimentary sterile male sex organ present in
flowers which donot produce pollens.


Criteria Stamen Staminode
Fertility Stamen is a fertile male sex organ capable of producing pollens Staminode is sterile male sex organ incapable of producing pollens

6) Definition

* Pollen is a male gametophyte bearing the male gametes.

* Pollinium is a group of pollen grains, usually the product of a single anther, held together by sticky secretions and are transported as a unit during pollination.

Criteria Pollen Pollinium
Definition Male gametophyte bearing the male gametes Group of pollen grains, usually the product of a single anther, held together by sticky secretions and are transported as a unit during pollination

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